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9-Hole Golf Playing Lesson $100 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

30-Minute Golf Lesson $50 per appointment From $30 per visit with Golf Lesson 10-Session Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Nutrition Counseling $80 per appointment A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Fitness Building Rental $50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Golf Simulator Rental $35 per appointment Purchase required to enroll

Softball Lessons $50 per appointment From $45 per visit with Softball Lessons 10-Session Package pass Purchase required to enroll

Beginners Softball Lessons (10 years old and under) $40 per appointment From $36 per visit with Beginners Softball 10 Session Package (10 years old and under) pass Purchase required to enroll

FREE Injury Prevention Screen Free No purchase required to enroll

Basketball Shooting Session Plans available from $40 Purchase required to enroll

Winter Golf Simulator League From $22 per visit with Adult Winter Golf Simulator League pass Purchase required to enroll

Golf Course Fee No purchase required to enroll

Dr. Dish Shooting Session $20 per class Purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (1 Cage/90-Minutes) $75 per class No purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (1 Cage/2-Hours) $100 per class No purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (2 Cages/90-Minutes) $150 per class No purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (2 Cages/2-Hours) $200 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Half Court/1-Hour) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Half Court/90 Minutes) No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Half Court/2 Hours) $100 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Half Court/3-Hours) $150 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Full Court/1-Hour) $100 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Full Court/90-Minutes) $150 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Full Court/2 Hours) $200 per class No purchase required to enroll

Court Rental (Full Court/3-Hours) $300 per class No purchase required to enroll

Flexibility and Flow Yoga $10 per class From $9 per visit with Yoga 10-Class Pass pass Purchase required to enroll


Golf Fitness Training $35 per class From $25 per visit with Semi-Private Training 10-Session Pass pass No purchase required to enroll

Semi-Private Personal Training Session From $25 per visit with Semi-Private Training 10-Session Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Mobility Class No purchase required to enroll

Speed, Strength & Agility Training $20 per class From $20 per visit with Speed, Strength & Agility 5-Session Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Basketball Skills Training $20 per class From $15 per visit with Beginner Basketball Training 5-Session Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Beginners Basketball Skills Training $15 per class From $15 per visit with Beginner Basketball Training 10-Session Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Team Training Session From $13 per visit with Team Training pass

Birthday Party $200 per class No purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (1 Cage/1-Hour) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll

Batting Cage Rental (2 Cages/1-Hour) No purchase required to enroll

Pickleball Court Rental $20 per class Purchase required to enroll

Softball Pitching Lessons $50 per class From $36 per visit with Beginners Softball 10 Session Package (10 years old and under) pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Group Pitching Lessons $50 per class From $36 per visit with Beginners Softball 10 Session Package (10 years old and under) pass No purchase required to enroll

Baseball Lessons $50 per class From $45 per visit with Baseball Lessons 5 Session Package pass Purchase required to enroll

Adult Open Gym Free Plans available from $40 No purchase required to enroll

Sunday Open Gym Free Plans available from $40 No purchase required to enroll

Weekday Open Gym Free Plans available from $40 No purchase required to enroll


BTY 21 Day Challenge $21 Purchase required to enroll

Grow Better Toddler Movement Class (2 yr. - 4 yr.) $44 Purchase required to enroll

2025 Junior Ballers League $115 Purchase required to enroll

2025 AAU $675 Purchase required to enroll